Vitamin D Package

Vitamin D is essential to keep up normal blood levels of calcium and phosphate that are needed for the normal mineralization of bone, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and basic cellular function in all cells of the body.

Vitamin D attains this after its transformation to the active form 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D, or calcitriol. This functional form controls the arrangement of a number of vitamin D-depending on genes coding for bone matrix proteins and calcium-transporting proteins.

This feature may describe the steps of vitamin D in bone calcium transport, intestinal resorption, and skin.

What is it used for?

A vitamin D test is used to show or protect bone disorders. It is also every so often used to check vitamin D levels in people with chronic sickness such as psoriasis, asthma, and certain autoimmune diseases.

What do I need to do anything to prepare for the test?

Vitamin D test doesn’t require any special Preparations.

Is there any kind risk to the test?

You may have minute pain or bruising on the particular spot where the needle was injected, but most mark goes away rapidly.

What will be the results mean?

If your results appear to be a deficiency in vitamin D, it may mean you’re:

• Not getting proper and enough exposure to sunlight.

• Having some trouble in absorbing vitamin D the food you’re consuming.

• Not getting enough vitamin D in your diet.

As lower as your result may indicate that your body is having trouble in utilizing the vitamin as it should, and may show kidney or liver disease.

Vitamin D deficiency is generally treated with supplements and/or dietary changes.

If incase your results show that you have excess of vitamin D, it’s most likely due to many vitamin pills intake or other supplements. You’ll need to stop taking those supplements to bring down to normal your vitamin D levels. Consuming too much vitamin D can cause damage to your organs and blood vessels.

Why do I need a vitamin D test?

Your preferred healthcare provider or doctor may order vitamin D test if you have symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency or not having enough vitamin D. These symptoms include:

• Bone softness

• Bone weakness

• Fractures

• Bone malformation (in children)

Vitamin D test may be ordered if you are at a higher risk for a vitamin D deficiency. Risk factors include:

• Age; vitamin D deficiency is more common in older adults.

• Obesity

• Lack of exposure to sunlight

• Osteoporosis or other bone disorder

• Having a darker complexion

• Previous gastric bypass surgery

• Difficulty absorbing fat in your diet

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